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Tag Archives: attorney

Hindering Secured Creditors – What it Means & How Honest Mistakes are Charged

How Unintentional Bankruptcy Fraud & Hindering Secured Creditors Charges Occur It's not unusual for emotions to run high when a bank forecloses your house or a car dealer informs you your car is about to be repossessed.... Read more

Dallas Real Estate Fraud Attorneys

Under §32.32 of the Texas Penal Code, "False Statement to Obtain Property or Credit or in the Provision of Certain Services," real estate fraud is said to occur when "(b) A person commits an offense if he intenti... Read more

Dallas White Collar Crimes Attorneys

In white collar crimes, forgery involves imitating, making, or creating documents in order to deceive others for criminal purposes. In cases involving real estate, banking, or corporate fraud, forgery can involve falsify... Read more